When you link to or mention another file from somewhere in Whimsical, that file will display a backlink to the file where it was linked from. This makes it easy to navigate between files and see how they connect.
For example, if you add a link to a doc from a board:
The doc will automatically have a backlink to the board:
Where will I see backlinks?
Note: If someone does not have access to the file where the link or mention was added, they will not see the backlink.
Pro Tip: If you use GitHub, it's possible to show backlinks to pull requests, issues and comments with the GitHub app, and close tasks in Whimsical automatically when commits or pull requests link to them 👌
To copy a link to a specific object (in a board) or block (in a doc), select the item you'd like to link to and choose Copy link to block/object in the ...
(three dots) menu:
Find out more in this article about Linking to sections and objects.