Team FAQs

Note: Private teams are not available on the Free plan.

What is a team?Copied!Link to this section

A team is a group of people within the same Whimsical workspace that work together on specific projects or tasks. You can think of workspaces as entire organizations (e.g., Acme Corp) and teams as dedicated departments or functional groups within them (e.g., Marketing, Design, Business Development).

Each team gets its own distinct space for its work, which can include docs, boards, projects, and folders specific to their work. This allows workspace members to efficiently organize their workspace around teams, making it simpler to manage multiple projects and ensuring that they have easy access to the content that’s most relevant to them.

Lastly, teams give you greater control over permissions by allowing you to decide whether other members of your workspace can view, comment, or edit your team content.

What is the difference between an open and a private team?Copied!Link to this section

An open team is a team that is visible to everyone in the workspace that all workspace members can join. This can be useful for teams that are working on projects that require input from a wide range of people or for teams that are focused on collaboration and sharing ideas.

A private team is a team that is not visible to everyone in the workspace and can only be joined by invitation. The content within a private team is only visible to the team members. Private teams are useful for projects that require a high level of security or confidentiality or for teams that are focused on working on specific tasks without input from others.

How should I use the "Default user role" in teams?Copied!Link to this section

If you want a less controlled environment where any workspace editor who joins can edit any content in the team, then you should set the default role to team editor. This role allows for more collaboration and freedom for team members to make changes to content.

If you prefer a more controlled environment where only trusted team members can edit the content in the team, then you should set the default role to team viewer. This role allows only view and comment access to any new team member who joins, and a team editor or workspace admin will need to explicitly grant team editor access in order to allow them to edit the content.

What are default project statuses?Copied!Link to this section

Every project has different statuses that its tasks can be in, like In progress, Blocked, or Done. You can define a set of default statuses per team that will automatically apply to all projects created within that team. Learn more in this article.

Can a workspace viewer be an editor in a team?Copied!Link to this section

No. By default, when someone joins a team as a workspace viewer, they will be assigned the team viewer role, which only allows them to view and comment on the content within the team.

However, if a workspace admin promotes them to a workspace editor, they will automatically be promoted to an editor role within that team if that is the team's default user role.

Can a workspace editor be a viewer in a team?Copied!Link to this section

Yes, a workspace editor can also be a viewer in a team. When a workspace editor is added to a team, they can be assigned one of two roles — team viewer or team editor.

If a workspace editor is added to a team as a team viewer, they will only be able to view and comment on the team content but won't be able to create or edit team files.

Can anybody join a public team?Copied!Link to this section

Yes, any member of the workspace can join a public team.

Will other members of the workspace see my private teams?Copied!Link to this section

Only workspace admins will be able to see all private teams in the workspace and add or remove members from them, but they won't be able to see the content of private teams unless they're added to them. Other non-admin members of the workspace won't even know that a private team exists unless they themselves are a member of it.

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Written by:

  • Jack Jenkins

    Jack Jenkins