While we don't currently have a dedicated mobile app, you can access your account to view boards and add comments directly from your mobile browser. Whimsical Docs can also be edited on iPhones.
There are two ways you can log in to your account from mobile:
Once logged in, you can switch between workspaces, view all the content, and add comments to files.
To learn more about using Whimsical on your iPad, check out this article.
To add or reply to a comment:
To edit a comment, tap on the comment bubble → tap ... → Edit → make your changes → Save.
To delete a comment, tap on the comment bubble → tap ... → Delete.
To resolve a comment thread, tap on the comment bubble → Resolve.
We've optimized Whimsical tasks to be mobile friendly, so you'll find a full screen view when creating and managing your tasks in Whimsical, give it a go!
If you are part of multiple workspaces, you can navigate between them by going to the folder view and tapping the dropdown menu at the top-left corner of the screen. Choose your workspace from the list of workspaces.
To sign out from your account, tap the avatar icon at the top-right corner of the screen → Sign out.