Does Whimsical have a dark mode?

No, Whimsical doesn’t have a dark mode at the moment. Sorry!

For now, if you're looking to reduce how bright Whimsical is, there are a few workarounds we can suggest:

Mimic a dark canvasCopied!Link to this section

Invert colorsCopied!Link to this section

  • Some browsers, as well as operating systems, allow you to completely invert colors
  • For people on Mac, you can do this by going to System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Invent Colors
Invert colours on Mac

Create a custom themeCopied!Link to this section

  • You can also create a custom color theme that isn't as vivid as our default colors. Please note that custom themes are only available on our paid plans.

We are tracking interest in this feature, so if you'd like to add your vote to the feature request, please contact us at

Written by:

  • Jack Jenkins

    Jack Jenkins