Collaborating with others in real time

Note: To collaborate with your colleagues or clients in real time, you first have to invite them to the workspace. Here's how to do it.

See who is viewing the fileCopied!Link to this section

To see who has the file open on their device, check the upper-right corner of the screen. You'll see the avatar of anyone else who is viewing the file.

You'll also see a cursor with the member's name moving across the file so you can see who is working on what:

See who is editing the fileCopied!Link to this section

If somebody is editing a board, you'll also see a pencil (for editing) or a comment bubble (for commenting) right next to the element they have selected together with their name. The element will also be highlighted:

Tip: If somebody is editing a doc, you will see the cursor and their name.

If you have opened a comment box, you'll also see three dots if somebody is typing a new comment:

Follow the cursor of another collaboratorCopied!Link to this section

To follow the cursor of another collaborator, hover over their avatar → "Click to follow". To stop following and exit the following mode, click on their avatar again or pan / zoom anywhere on the canvas:

See who has made edits to the file previouslyCopied!Link to this section

You can also see who has worked on a board or a doc at any point in time using Version history:

Written by:

  • Jack Jenkins

    Jack Jenkins