Notification inbox

The notification inbox helps you to stay informed about activity in your Whimsical workspace, all in one place.

Finding your InboxCopied!Link to this section

You’ll find your Inbox in the sidebar. If there are new notifications in your Inbox, a number indicating the count of unread notifications will appear next to it in real-time.

Note: Inboxes are specific to each workspace. If you're a member of multiple workspaces, you'll need to navigate to each one to view its respective notifications.

Types of notificationsCopied!Link to this section

Here’s a list of all the notifications you'll receive in your Inbox:

  • A comment is left on a file you've created
  • A comment is left on a file you've subscribed to
  • A comment is left in a comment thread or discussion you’re part of
  • A comment is left on a sticky note, task card, or annotation you've created
  • Someone mentions you in a comment
  • Someone reacts to a comment you've made
  • Someone invites you to a file
  • Someone requests access to a file
  • Someone requests access to your workspace (admin-only)

It’s not currently possible to customize which notifications you’ll receive in your Inbox, however, you can subscribe to receive more tailored notifications via email or Slack.

Inbox actionsCopied!Link to this section

Inbox notifications have two different states:


  • These notifications haven't been viewed yet. They'll have a purple dot next to them and appear bold for better visibility.
  • They can be deleted or clicked on to mark them as read.


  • You've already seen these notifications. They'll be grayed out to indicate they're not new.
  • They can be deleted or marked as unread.

As your inbox fills up over time, there are some actions you can take to clean things up.

Click the slider icon at the top-right to:

  • Mark all as read: This will mark all notifications as read and remove the notification count, but keep them in your Inbox.
  • Delete all notifications: This will permanently remove all notifications. This can't be undone.

Tip: If you don't read a comment notification and someone replies to the thread, we will group them together as one notification for the entire thread. This clustering continues until you read it, making it easier to catch up after being away for a few days or on vacation.

Written by:

  • Jack Jenkins

    Jack Jenkins