Keyboard shortcuts

Do you use a non-QWERTY keyboard? Learn how to work with different keyboard layouts here.

General shortcuts

Zoom Z + Click/Drag
Command + Scroll
Zoom in =
Zoom out -
Zoom to 100% 0
Zoom to content 1
Zoom to selection 2
Pan / move around board Space + Drag
Shift + Scroll Mouse Wheel
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Copy style Command + Option + C
Paste style Command + V
Copy link to object Command + Option + Shift + C
Copy as image Command + Shift + C
Duplicate Command + D
Option + Drag Object
Bring forwardw ]
Bring to front Option + ]
Send backward [
Send to back Option + [
Multi-select Click and Drag around objects
Select multiple items Shift + Click
Select all (excluding locked elements) Command + A
Select all (including locked elements) Double press Command + A
Deselect Esc
Resize shapes with locked aspect ratio Shift while dragging
with mouse to resize
Resize from center Option while dragging
with mouse to resize
Edit text Enter
Group selection Command + G
Ungroup selection Command + Shift + G
Deep select Command + Click
Ignore auto-snapping when moving object: Command + Drag
Ignore grid & auto-snapping when moving object ` + Drag
Save as default style Command + Shift + D
Change font size Command + Option + = or -
Comment Command + Option + M
Show/hide comments in a file Shift + Option + C
Animate connector Command + Click
Measure the distance between objects Select an object + hold Option + hover over other objects
Search the currently open file Command + F
Search file and folder names Command + Shift + F
Search cards only (with the search field open) Command + Shift + Enter
Search everything (with the search field open) Command + Enter
Open / hide sidebar Command + E
Get shareable link Command + Option + S
Add new file or folder Command + Option + N
Go to folder view Command + Shift + E
Folder list view L
Folder grid view G
Change board mode W (Wireframe mode)
Shift + C (Card mode)

Board shortcuts ^

Diagram shortcuts
Rectangle R
Oval U
Circle O
Diamond D
Trapezoid A
Triangle G
Hexagon H
Cylinder Y
Line L
Bracket B
Explosion V
Cloud J
Table E
Image I
Link K
Connector C or L
Text T
Icon X
Quick add Option + Arrow
Quick add,
Switch direction
on mouseover
Hide quick add Q
Lock object Command + Shift + L
Mind map shortcuts
Add root node M
Add child Tab
Add sibling Enter
Add sibling above Command + Enter
Add parent Option + Enter
Collapse / expand node Command + /
Add line break Shift + Enter
Add link Command + K
Add icon Shift + X
Decrease text indent Command + Control + [
Increase text indent Command + Control + ]
Sticky note shortcuts
Add sticky note N (works in all canvas modes)
Quick-add another note (With note selected) Option + Arrow
Duplicate note Option + drag
Increase text size Command + Option + =
Decrease text size Command + Option + -
Paragraph Command + \
Bulleted list * or - then space
Bulleted list Command + Shift + 8
Numbered list 1. then space
Numbered list Command + Shift + 7
Checklist _ then space
Workspace link @
External link Command + K

Card mode shortcuts ^

Card A
Double Click
Stack S
Connector C or L
Image I
Link K
Text T
Icon X
Expand selected card Command + Enter
Lock stack Command + Shift + L

Wireframe shortcuts ^

Annotation A
Button B
Line L or D
Element E
Frame F
Image G
Link L
Circle O
Input P
Rectangle R
Avatar V
Connector C or L
Text T
Icon X
Lock object Command + Shift + L
Rename frame Enter
Line sizing Holding Shift makes
line vertical
Holding Command makes
line full width/height

Docs shortcuts ^

Paragraph Command + \
Heading 1 # then space
Heading 2 ## then space
Heading 3 ### then space
Bulleted list * or - then space
Bulleted list Command + Shift + 8
Numbered list 1. then space
Numbered list Command + Shift + 7
Check list _ then space
Section divider *** (at the beginning of a new line)
Line divider --- (at the beginning of a new line)
Change block type / (at the beginning of a new line)
Command + / (at any time)
Bold Command + B (text selected)
* (type on both sides of text)
Italic Command + I (text selected)
_ (type on both sides of text)
Code block ` ` ` (at the beginning of a new line)
Command +Shift+ K (text selected)
` (type on both sides of text)
Strikethrough Command +Shift+ X
~ (type on both sides of text)
Add link Command + K
Highlight text Command + Shift + H
Add quote Command + >
Decrease indent Shift + Tab
Increase indent Tab
Add workspace link @
Add external link Option + K
Add comment Command + Option + M
Select text Shift + Arrow Keys
Open nested file Command + Enter
Search Command + F
Pin / unpin sidebar Command + E
Go to parent file Command + Esc
Insert table row Command + Enter
Insert table column Command + +Option + Enter
Remove table row Command + Delete
Remove table column Command + Option + Delete
Copy link to block Command + Option + Shift + C
Open syntax highlighter Command + Shift + K
(while editing code block)

AI shortcuts (In Boards)^

Generate with AI Command + .
(also works with mind map nodes)
Create (after entering prompt) Command + Return
See example prompts /
See past prompts Command + /

General shortcuts

Zoom Z + Click/Drag
Control + Scroll
Zoom in +
Zoom out -
Zoom to 100% 0
Zoom to content 1
Zoom to selection 2
Pan / move around board Space + Drag
Shift + Scroll Mouse Wheel
Undo Control + Z
Redo Control + Shift + Z
Copy Control + C
Paste Control + V
Copy style Control + Alt + C
Paste style Control + Alt + V
Copy link to object Control + Alt + Shift C
Copy as image Control + Shift + C
Duplicate Control + D
Alt + Drag
Bring forward ]
Bring to front Alt + ]
Send backward [
Send to back Alt + [
Multi-select Click and Drag around objects
Select multiple items Shift + Click
Select all (excluding locked elements) Control + A
Select all (including locked elements) Double press Control + A
Deselect Esc
Resize shapes with locked aspect ratio Shift while dragging
with mouse to resize
Resize from center Alt while dragging
with mouse to resize
Edit text Enter
Group selection Control + G
Ungroup selection Control + Shift + G
Deep select Control + Click
Ignore auto-snapping when moving object: Control + Drag
Ignore grid & auto-snapping when moving object ` + Drag
Save as default style Control + Shift + D
Change font size Control + Alt + = or -
Comment Control + Alt + M
Show/hide comments in a file Shift + Alt + C
Animate connector Control + Click
Measure the distance between objects Select an object + hold Alt + hover over other objects
Search Control + F
Search file and folder names Control + Shift + F
Search cards only (with the search field open) Control + Shift + Enter
Search everything (with the search field open) Control + Enter
Open / hide sidebar Control + E
Get shareable link Control + Alt + S
Add new file or folder Control + Alt + N
Go to folder view Control + Shift + E
Folder list view L
Folder grid view G
Change board mode W (Wireframe)
Shift + C (Card mode)

Board shortcuts ^

Diagram shortcuts
Rectangle R
Oval U
Circle O
Diamond D
Trapezoid A
Triangle G
Hexagon H
Cylinder Y
Line L
Bracket B
Explosion V
Cloud N
Table E
Image I
Link K
Connector C or L
Text T
Icon X
Quick add Alt + Arrow
Quick add,
Switch direction
on mouseover
Hide quick add Q
Lock object Control + Shift + L
Mind map shortcuts
Add root node M
Add child Tab
Add sibling Enter
Add sibling above Control + Enter
Add parent Alt + Enter
Collapse / expand node Control + /
Add line break Shift + Enter
Add link Control + K
Add icon Shift + X
Decrease text indent Control + [
Increase text indent Control + ]
Sticky note shortcuts
Add sticky note N (works in all canvas modes)
Quick-add another note (With note selected) Alt + Arrow
Duplicate note Alt + drag
Increase text size Ctrl + Alt + =
Decrease text size Ctrl + Alt + -
Paragraph Ctrl + \
Bulleted list * or - then space
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list 1. then space
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Checklist _ then space
Workspace link @
External link Ctrl + K

Card mode shortcuts ^

Card A
Double Click
Stack S
Connector C or L
Image I
Link K
Text T
Icon X
Expand selected card Control + Enter
Lock stack Control + Shift + L

Wireframe shortcuts ^

Annotation A
Button B
Line L or D
Element E
Frame F
Image G
Link L
Circle O
Input P
Rectangle R
Avatar V
Connector C or L
Text T
Icon X
Lock object Control + Shift + L
Rename frame Enter
Line sizing Holding Shift makes
line vertical
Holding Control makes
line full width/height

Docs shortcuts ^

Paragraph Control + \
Heading 1 # then space
Heading 2 ## then space
Heading 3 ### then space
Bulleted list * or - then space
Bulleted list Control + Shift + 8
Numbered list 1. then space
Numbered list Control + Shift + 7
Check list _ then space
Section divider *** (at the beginning of a new line)
Line divider --- (at the beginning of a new line)
Change block type / (at the beginning of a new line)
Control + / (at any time)
Bold Control + B (text selected)
* (type on both sides of text)
Italic Control + I (text selected)
_ (type on both sides of text)
Code block ` ` ` (at the beginning of a new line)
Control + Shift + K (text selected)
` (type on both sides of text)
Strikethrough Control + Shift + S
~ (type on both sides of text)
Add link Control + K
Highlight text Control + Shift + H
Add quote Control + >
Increase indent Tab
Decrease indent Shift + Tab
Add workspace link @
Add external link Alt + K
Add comment Control + Alt + M
Select text Shift + Arrow Keys
Open nested file Control + Enter
Search Control + F
Pin / unpin sidebar Control + E
Go to parent file Windows key + Esc
Insert table row Control + Enter
Insert table column Control + Alt + Enter
Remove table row Control + Delete
Remove table column Windows key + Alt + Delete
Copy link to block Control + Alt + Shift + C
Open syntax highlighter Control + Shift + K
(whilst editing code block)

AI shortcuts (In Boards)^

Generate with AI Command + .
(also works with mind map nodes)
Create (after entering prompt) Control + Enter
See example prompts /
See past prompts Control + /

Working with different keyboard layouts

If you're working on a non-QWERTY keyboard, some of the keyboard shortcuts will work differently for you. There are two key things to remember:

  1. For all the keyboard shortcuts that involve letters, there are no changes.
  2. For all the keyboard shortcuts that involve characters that aren't letters, you have to refer to the placement of the characters on the US English keyboard.

Let's say you want to add a card using the AZERTY layout. Because the shortcut for adding a card is a letter ( A ), all you have to do is press A regardless of its placement on the keyboard:

But let's say you want to zoom out using the AZERTY layout. Because the shortcut for zooming out is a character ( - ) and not a letter, you have to use the US English keyboard as a reference and instead of pressing - on your keyboard, press whichever key is located at the same place as - on the US English keyboard:

If you have any questions or can't figure out how to make keyboard shortcuts work on your keyboard, drop us a line at, and we'll help you out!

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