Whimsical offers several ways to share and manage access to files and folders.
Workspace sections are the primary way of managing access to files for workspace members. To change access to files, you can move them from one section to another.
The primary sections for managing access are:
Files and folders located under Private are private to you by default, nobody else can access your private files unless you choose to share them.
Under Private, you'll also find: Shared with me, which contains files and folders that others have shared with you directly. You may have different permissions per file, such as editor or viewer. When you share files with others, this is where they will see them.
A team is a subset of workspace members. Each workspace team gets its own workspace section, and only existing workspace members can join a team. By default, only workspace members invited to the team can access its content.
You'll also see:
Shareable links for Private files aren't enabled until you choose to allow them. To give others access, click the Share button on the top right. From there, depending on your plan, you can toggle the settings for Anyone with a link to let people view, comment, or edit files. Or you can disable their access entirely:
Note: Each of Whimsical's plans allows you to invite a different number of total guests with view, comment, or edit access:
Files created under My files are only accessible to you by default, but you can make them accessible by sharing in the same way.
To do so, open the “Share” menu in the top right, and choose a level of access for members of your workspace.
Here are the permission settings in more detail:
The other sharing settings are: