Embedding files in ClickUp views

Whimsical boards can be embedded in ClickUp views. Here’s how:

In the Whimsical board you want to embed, open the share (airplane) menu, and click “Embed”:

Then, copy the embed code:

Open ClickUp and click “ + View” in the top toolbar:

In the menu, choose “Embed” and select “Embed HTML”:

Paste the code you copied from Whimsical earlier:

If you’d like to rename the view, click the pencil icon:


  • The file must be public if you want other people to view it. You do that by setting your Whimsical board to "Anyone with a link can view". — It’s not possible to view boards which require you to be logged into Whimsical.
  • Docs aren’t currently supported, only boards, wireframes and projects may be embedded.
  • Whimsical embeds are only supported in views — not ClickUp tasks. 
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