File version history

With version history, you can see a full record of every change made to the file, revert to previous file versions, or branch off to create new versions from the existing ones.

Time machine is now called Version history and it is located in the file actions menu (downward-facing arrow next to the file name).

Accessing and viewing file version historyLink to this section

To access a file's version history, click the file actions menu (downward-facing arrow next to the file name) and select Version history from the options.

Version history in the file menu

The Version history will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can then hit Play to see the complete file history - when and who has made what changes.

Version history will load the file from when it was first created, so it might take some time to fully load the most recent changes.

At any point, you can show or hide the file's current state alongside the earlier state you're viewing:

Show and hide current state

Restoring files to an earlier stateLink to this section

Click the Play button to see how the file has changed and Pause when you're ready to restore it. You can use the <> arrows to move forward or backward one change at a time.

Controls to change file history playback

From there, you can choose to:

  1. Restore the file, which will restore the file to the state you've chosen and overwrite the existing content.
  2. Fork the file to create a new file from an existing file version, which will create a separate file with the restored content, but it will also keep the existing file with its current content.
Restore and fork history controls
  • Forked files will not save comments and won't have any previous Version history.
  • If you have deleted a file entirely, you should be able to find it in the Trash and restore it from there. Files that are removed from the Trash are deleted permanently and can't be restored. You can read more about restoring files from the Trash here.

Version history is available for a different duration, depending on your plan:

  • Free - 7 days
  • Pro - 90 days
  • Business - 1 year
  • Enterprise - Unlimited

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Written by:

  • Jack Jenkins

    Jack Jenkins