Embedding files in Slab

Whimsical files can be embedded in Slab posts. Here’s how:

Open a Slab post for editing, and paste the URL of your Whimsical file. You’ll see it transformed to an embed automatically!

To adjust the size of the embed, select it and choose from the options shown:


  • While Slab has a /whimsical command, it’s not necessary to use this. Links to Whimsical files are automatically embedded without any extra work. 😎
  • The file must be public if you want other people to view it. You do that by setting your Whimsical board to "Anyone with a link can view". — It’s not possible to view boards which require you to be logged into Whimsical.
  • Docs aren’t currently supported, only boards, wireframes and projects may be embedded.
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