How to verify your Whimsical account

Are you having trouble verifying your Whimsical account? Here are the three main reasons why this can happen and what steps to take to get it sorted out.

Scenario 1: You've made a typo

It's possible that you made a typo when entering your email address when signing up. If this is the case, you won't be able to receive the verification email. To fix this, create a new account and make sure to enter your email address correctly.

If you're stuck on the verification screen, you can log out of the unverified account by clicking on the circle with your initials in the top-right corner of the screen:

Scenario 2: The email is stuck in spam

Sometimes, emails can get caught in spam filters. Please check your spam or junk folder for an email coming from

If you have a Google account, you can also use Google SSO to sign up since it doesn't require email verification. Just select this option after you click the green sign up button from

Scenario 3: The email is getting blocked by your domain owner

If you are using your company email to sign up and you are not receiving the verification email, it is possible that our domain has not yet been whitelisted by your email provider.

To resolve this, please contact your IT team and ask them to whitelist, and once our domain is whitelisted, request a new email verification email:

If your company uses a Google account, you can also use Google SSO to sign up since it doesn't require email verification. Just select this option after you click the green sign up button from

Still having issues?

If you're still having trouble verifying your Whimsical account, please don't hesitate to contact us at

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